Jan 10, 2024, 3:16 AM
Journalist ID: 5537
News ID: 85349288
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New ‘incident’ reported in Red Sea: Western source

Jan 10, 2024, 3:16 AM
News ID: 85349288
New ‘incident’ reported in Red Sea: Western source

Tehran, IRNA- The Yemeni armed forces have potentially targeted another Israeli or Israeli-bound ship in the Red Sea, with the British maritime agency confirming an “incident” in the strategic waterway.

“We have received reports about an incident about 50 nautical miles west of Hodeidah port”, the British Maritime Trade Organization (UKMTO) wrote on X social network, adding that there had been multiple reports of Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS) activity in the area.

Earlier, a Yemeni military source told Al Jazeera about the attack but there was no official comment on it from the Yemeni authorities.

If confirmed, it would be the 26th attack on commercial vessels belonging to Israel or heading toward Israeli ports since November and the second attack since the US warned Yemenis that they would face consequences if continued with the attacks.

The Yemeni army has repeatedly said that all ships except Israeli or Israeli-bound are safe while sailing through the Red Sea and the Suez Canal.

In the past weeks, the Yemeni army has targeted ships destined for Zionist ports in the Red Sea and the Bab al-Mandab strait in a show of support for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

The Yemeni army and the allied Ansarullah resistance movement have already defied US threats and pledged to continue attacking those ships until the Israeli regime stops its genocide in Gaza and end its blockade on the besieged Palestinian territory.

The intensified Yemeni attacks on vessels heading toward Israel have forced major international shipping lines to reroute their vessels around Africa to reach their destinations. 

The United States claims that it has created a naval coalition to counter the Yemeni army’s operations but regional countries except Bahrain refused to join the coalition. Even America’s European partners such as France, Spain and Italy have refused to hand over their warships to the command of the United States.


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